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Innovatix is an agent of our members. As such, we do not endorse individual vendors, services, or products and are not responsible for claims made by any vendors or the use of any of their products or services. Any reference to any vendor, service, or product by trade name, trademark, or otherwise does not constitute or imply the endorsement or recommendation of Innovatix. Completion of forms contained on this website does not guarantee acceptance by Innovatix or any Vendor. All membership decisions are in the sole discretion of Innovatix. All information contained on this site, including pricing and reimbursement information, is for information only, is subject to change with or without notice, and does not include any distributor or wholesaler markup. Contract eligibility and attachment are subject to individual vendor approval and Innovatix makes no claims as to any member’s eligibility for any particular agreement. If you are an Innovatix member and would like more information about any contract category or vendor(s), please contact a Client Service Associate at (888) 258-3273 or e-mail For suppliers interested in joining the Innovatix portfolio, please complete our supplier inquiry form.